Avallac'h > Alzheimer's
The following document consists of excerpts from a clinical report of Dr. L. Dee Jacobsen, neuro-psychologist from Scripps Clinic, California documenting the absolutely "impossible" psycho-behavioral changes in test results of his own Alzheimer's patient who was experiencing the extraordinary effects of Philippe Sauvage's Subliminal Influence Technology. This case is ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE in clinical records and, as such, documents precisely the latest MCC "Protocol of Transdimensional Refraction," which describes Philippe Sauvage's Subliminal Science and Technology as forming "the expirically objective possiblization of the axiomatically subjective impossible."
From: L. Dee Jacobsen, Ph.D.
REASON FOR REFERRAL: Mr. "T" was first evaluated by myself more than two years ago. At that time, neuropsychological testing revealed a diagnosis of dementia, possibly of the Alzheimer's type. During the past two years, Mr. T's cognitive abilities continued to decline in a manner that appeared to be consistent with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Cognitive impairment was notable for relatively severe memory dysfunction as well as a moderate dysfluent aphesia characterized by limited abilities to speak spontaneously. In addition, Mr. T exhibited a long response time. Subsequently, he underwent several brief evaluations which indicated that he was no longer competent to manage his relatively complex business affairs. Eventually a conservator was assigned to manage Mr. T's affairs. ...
Mr. T's most recent formal assessment took place on 10/26/1999. At that time, he was manifesting signs of progressive dementia as he continued to exhibit moderately severe expressive aphasia and had great difficulty speaking spontaneously... Mr. T's memory abilities were still impaired, as he was slow to retrieve information. His expressive language abilities were also significantly impaired in that he was unable to spontaneously speak more than two or three words at any given time without long pauses...
Since sometime in December of 1999, Mr. T has reportedly been undergoing some experimental alternative treatment for his dementia. His spouse... reported that she has observed significant improvement in [his] energy level, his level of spontaneous curiosity and information seeking as well as his memory abilities and his ability to speak spontaneously. Therefore, she requested an updated neuropsychological evaluation ...
For purposes of the current evaluation, Mr. T was interviewed privately.... When Mr. T was asked how [the Conservator] has behaved, he responded, "Her behavior is devastating - she got her - she went to fighting with most of the people who work for me. She has been selling our buildings and I am fighting with her. She is harassing everybody." When queried about how she has been harassing people, Mr. T stated "she is going in there and she is giving people a hard time."
Mr. T was asked if he wishes [the Conservator] to remain his conservator. He responded, "No, I would like my wife to take the job!" When he was asked why he wants [wife] to take over the conservatorship, he responded, "number one - she knows how to do the business. She knows how to make friends and she really controls the business and makes our operations flow easy - she knows how to run the business." ...
When asked, "Do you trust [Conservator]? Mr. T. replied, "no." He was asked, "Do you trust [wife]? He responded, "yes." Mr. T was also asked, "Will [Conservator] take care of your needs?" Mr. T. replied, "No, she didn't take care of me." He spontaneously added, "[Wife] has been taking care of me all of the time since I have been sick."
Mr. T was asked, "Do you feel like you are getting better?" He responded, "yes." When asked, "How are you getting better?" he stated, "My ability to remember more - my thinking is quicker than it use to be, and my memory is good. I use to talk very slow - I can now talk about everything and also able to talk with someone to get enough clearness. Also very good - I like having my wife around to help me."
When Mr. T was asked to estimate his net worth, he replied, "I am not sure." He was asked to offer an estimate. He replied, "I think I am over - something like --. When asked if he is worth more than one million dollars, he stated with a smile, "Oh yeah!" He spontaneously added, "I could call the office and get the exact figures."...
When asked to identify his main business holdings, Mr. T stated, "a construction business and several Burger Kings."...
INTERVIEW WITH MR. T's SPOUSE... Mrs. T reported that during the past week, [Mr. T] has exhibited significant changes in his behavior. For example, she indicated that he has demonstrated increased intellectual curiosity and actually last Thursday evening was up all night exploring all of the drawers and papers in his bedroom. He appeared to be filled with energy despite the fact that his medications have not been changed in any way. She also indicated that [Mr. T] has clearly demonstrated an increased level of energy as well as an increased ability to speak spontaneously. ...
IMPRESSIONS: These results indicate that Mr. T's overall level of cognitive function has improved dramatically. More specifically, he has exhibited a marked improvement in his ability to express himself spontaneously. He also appears to be cognizant of the fundamental issues relating to the operation of his business and the possibility of replacing his conservator. He clearly articulated on several occasions his displeasure with the actions of his current conservator and also clearly stated that he believes that his current conservator needs to be replaced.