Background > The Most Controversial Figure of the Century > Counter-terrorist Squad Leader

Counter-terrorist Squad Leader:

"So, how does one become a 'Warrior' in the middle of civilization and in the third part of the Twentieth Century C.E., hundreds and hundreds of years after the very last 'Barbarian' has been wiped out? The 'funny' thing is that if I could not really hope going to 'Barbarity', it is 'Barbarity' that managed to come to me, in the most unexpected manner and in the most 'illogical' place.

"During the infamous 'Sixties' after the internal political situation had suddenly become tenser than usual owing to the 'Cold War' and to what was happening in the Middle-East (without mentioning the situation of post-civil-war in France on the 'Algerian question'), international terrorism began to spread all over Europe like a deadly epidemic. Aside from that situation of international terrorism, many European ethnic or political movements began to grow increasingly disillusioned with the democratic system and started to take revolutionary matters into their own hands, so to speak. It was the heydays of violent nationalistic organizations in Western Europe such as the I.R.A. in Northern Ireland, the Basque E.T.A. both in France and in Spain and, much closer to home, the F.L.B ('Front of Liberation of Brittany') against France. Simultaneously, hard-core revolutionaries like the German R.A.F. (a.k.a. 'Baader-Meinhoff Gruppe'), the Italian 'Red Brigades' or the French terrorist group 'Action Directe' ('Direct Action') had also begun a violent armed campaign against the European governments as a whole.

"As I have just alluded to it, the French situation was made more complicated by several years of extremely violent and protracted 'civil war' on the 'Algerian question'. It is of the utmost importance for me to do some serious explaining on the subject since it is a fundamental part of my own cultural background and a determinative part of my own Warriorness." (The Warshal, 10-8)

"When European nations were on the verge of political collapse due to an unprecedented wave of domestic and international terrorism, Sauvage['s ...] work significantly contributed to the (temporary) eradication of terrorism (in the form of both Communist and Neo-Fascist subversion)." (Journey into the Absolute Elsewhere, 189) Describing his role as an elite counter-terrorist operative, Philippe Sauvage relates that he earned "a few interesting combat scars on my miserable physical body (and gushing wounds still bleeding in my heart) in addition to a few 'citations' for 'suicidal bravery...'" He resigned from his "'apocalyptic' governmental assignments in December 1978..." (Journey into the Absolute Elsewhere, 164)

Based on his cultural initiation and experiences in law-enforcement and counter-terrorism, Philippe Sauvage is an 'ultra-legalist' and staunchly, inalterably believes that the end never justifies the means.

As Sun Tzu put it, "The consummate leader cultivates the moral law, and strictly adheres to method and discipline; thus it is in his power to control success."

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